General procedure¶
The goal of this lecture is to train students to realize an own research project based on the Open Science concept. For this project the procedure from creating an idea till presenting results will be undergo during this lecture. A standard of important steps is the rainbow of Open Science (see figure). Based on this concept the lecture is divided into three blocks. The whole lecture is completely performed online and is build up as a combination of lecture and training in each session.
During the first block the students builds the idea for their own project and creates a concept how to realize this project. This block includes the imparting of the needed knowledge (shell, GitHub, literature search, data search, FAIR concept, project and data management) to create a preregistration of the project. This block builds the base for the whole project and the internalization of the Open Science aspects (the search part of the rainbow).
After building all the needed basics the second block addresses the execution of the analysis. During this block the students get to know what kind of development environments exists and gets an introduction to the programming language python. The introduction to data processing, workflows, concepts of analysis and statistics are also done in this block. To make the steps which were performed transparent is important (the analysis part of the rainbow).
The last block describes the steps which are needed to publish your work, and the steps beyond. This includes the visualization of the results, the preparation of a talk/poster, the writing and publication process of a manuscript and the broadcast of the work (the writing, publication, outreach and assessment part of the rainbow).
The lecture dates are on:
Monday 14:00 – 16:00 CET
Tuesday 09:00 – 11:00 CET
All course materials are open available (based on the Open Science concept) and will be provided on the block related pages on this website. For this course an own Discord server is used. On this server each project (up to two students) has their own channels to communicate. The lecture is as well held on this server.
For the students project a standard template is used.